This accordion book was created for Thomas Ockerse's Design Studio class at RISD. This project was done in 3 weeks. Initially, we were asked to choose a specific place around graphic design building at RISD. I chose the alleyway between the graphic design building (Design Center) and Illustration Studies Building (ISB). Upon closer observation, I noticed that there are countless ladybugs that live on the walls of these buildings and I was fascinated by this. I tried to portray the movement of these ladybugs crawling from one building to the other, creating an invisible connection between graphic design and illustration. Hence, this book is a combination of graphic design and illustration. The illustrations were done in watercolour and coloured pencil.

This work is currently on exhibit at RISD library special collection for the 1st Annual Juried Student Artist's Book Contest (2015 May 6 – July 6)